ECU software developers Stage-1-2 DPF SCR off
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Tuning files database Infiniti Stage-1-2-Eco DPF EGR SCR Adblue off

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Unique projects for Infiniti SH705828N 11MF67N3 11NH0C - 1, that includes tuning Stage-1-2-Eco and custom switch solutons for DPF / EGR / SCR off.
Our Stage-1 tuning files - is usual gain for full-powered stock software. And if Infiniti make a several kinds with lower stock output - we offer same gain as Stage-1 and even more as Stage-2 or 3. Power adjustment made with our special software that draw a dyno plot before and after modification to get a higher accuracy and evident changes.

Any disabling DPF / EGR / SCR made with using of our unique software that separate required DTC from any ramdom sequence and leave all other to work as in stock. We working on developing new kinds of ECUs and software for Infiniti to provide high quality solutions for latest generation of vehicles.

Remap database Infiniti SH705828N 11MF67N3 11NH0C (1)

InfinitiG25i222hp 2009SH705828N 11MF67N3 11NH0C1024kb
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