ECU software developers Stage-1-2 DPF SCR off
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Tuning files database Shacman Stage-1-2-Eco DPF EGR SCR Adblue off

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We have 27 unique projects for Shacman. Each one include all kinds of Shacman custom tuning solutions Stage-1-2-Eco and custom switch solutons for DPF / EGR / SCR off.
Our Stage-1 tuning files - is usual gain for full-powered stock software. And if Shacman make a several kinds with lower stock output - offer same gains as Stage-1 and more as Stage-2 or 3. Power adjustment made with our special software that draw a dyno plot before and after modification to get a higher accuracy and evident changes.
Any disabling DPF / EGR / SCR made with using of our unique software that separate required DTC from any ramdom sequence and leave all other to work as in stock.
If you have a special requirements for any file, we can develop your custom solution or review and update another one that has a mistakes.

Tuning files for Shacman (27) with Catalyst DPF EGR SCR disabling

ShacmanCheng8.4TDI411hp / 1725nm2024Bosch EDC17CV44P1382_761 LG163-3823352A-H0 5561372048kb
ShacmanDayun-CGC1120D4.1TDI185hp / 520nm2023Bosch MD1CE100WISEC13-P230-V167 BJ09047014 034694 WP46144kb
ShacmanShacmoto10.8TDI450hp / 2150nm2023Motorola/Cummins CM876ISM11E4 CT22172 FC0XR521B BCH3072kb
ShacmanSX412.5TDI530hp / 2300nm2023Bosch MD1CE100WP13G530E470 1012883454_C005 0616256144kb
ShacmanWP1211.6TDI430hp 2023Bosch EDC17CV44DHP12Q3054 1002189512_D006 549567 430E502048kb
ShacmanX300012.5TDI510hp 2023Bosch MD1CE10010AV174 6093465418 035745 WP138192kb
ShacmanX600012.5TDI480hp 2023Siemens/Continental WISE153122H031614 51348019 B0C00640000004096kb
ShacmanDayon-N811..6TDI- 2022Bosch EDC17CV441422F022031 608108P_949_V791 549567 WP122048kb
ShacmanSDAC2.3TDI130hp / 380nm2022Bosch MD1CE101556O7V8L9 230000532 WISE13-P233-V106 WP2.3NQ130E506144kb
ShacmanSX-325810.8TDI440hp 2022Motorola/Cummins CM876B0H4N8S CT20028 FC0XR081B ISM11E43072kb
ShacmanATP12.5TDI430hp 2021Bosch MD1CE100P15680 200001073 WISEC10-P201-V1758192kb
ShacmanSX42512.5TDI553hp 2021Bosch MD1CE100230000438WISEC10-P201-V17F P1568CE100BSW 035745 WP138192kb
ShacmanWP1211.6TDI430hp 2021Bosch EDC17CV445N6A7Y5 P949V791 5495672048kb
ShacmanX300012.6TDI550hp 2021Siemens/Continental WISE15270313500WISEC15-P270-V135 WEICHAI15G122 B0C00640000004096kb
ShacmanX300010.5TDI550hp 2021Siemens/Continental WISE15270313500 WISEC15-P270-V135 CAB0C640432kb
ShacmanSX-325810.8TDI380hp 2020Motorola/Cummins CM876FC0XR08 B0H4N8S CT20028 ISM11E43072kb
ShacmanX300011.8TDI385hp 2020Motorola/Cummins CM2670ENS6D120 FC0HL57EN MT10004.05 BMS8192kb
ShacmanX300010.8TDI440hp 2020Cummins CM876081404 B0H4N8S FC0XR48 ISM11E43072kb
ShacmanDHN44.6TDI157hp / 650nm2019Bosch MD1CE100WISE13-P232-G120 1012457320_A002 WPSCI08390 WP4.6NG2006144kb
ShacmanKrean11.6TDI368hp / 1825nm2019Bosch EDC17CV44608108P_949_V791 WP1619L133758 5495672048kb
ShacmanF200011.6TDI WP12336hp 2018Bosch EDC17CV441037546141P903V301 P949V732 5113902048kb
ShacmanWeichai11.6TDI WP12.430430hp 2018Bosch EDC17CV441037549567P949V791 P949V732 5113902048kb
ShacmanF20009.7TDI- 2017Bosch EDC17CV44608108P_949_V791 P949V791 549567 WP102048kb
ShacmanF200010.5TDI380hp / 1800nm2015Bosch EDC17CV441037561416 P1158774 5614162048kb
ShacmanX300010.8TDI- 2013Motorola/Cummins CM87645D110 B0H4N8S FC0XO76 ISM11E43072kb
ShacmanF200011.6TDI375hp 2012Bosch EDC17CV44P949V791 DHP12Q3012 549567 WP122048kb
ShacmanShananxi4.6TDI100hp / 205nm2008Bosch EDC7UC31P532 V46 MPC561 384306 46142048kb
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