ECU software developers Stage-1-2 DPF SCR off
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Tuning files database JAC Stage-1-2-Eco DPF EGR SCR Adblue off

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We have 30 unique projects for JAC. Each one include all kinds of JAC custom tuning solutions Stage-1-2-Eco and custom switch solutons for DPF / EGR / SCR off.
Our Stage-1 tuning files - is usual gain for full-powered stock software. And if JAC make a several kinds with lower stock output - offer same gains as Stage-1 and more as Stage-2 or 3. Power adjustment made with our special software that draw a dyno plot before and after modification to get a higher accuracy and evident changes.
Any disabling DPF / EGR / SCR made with using of our unique software that separate required DTC from any ramdom sequence and leave all other to work as in stock.
If you have a special requirements for any file, we can develop your custom solution or review and update another one that has a mistakes.

Tuning files for JAC (30) with Catalyst DPF EGR SCR disabling

JACN1204.5TDI209hp / 760nm2023Motorola/Cummins CM2220C05D045 CE8RC98RC QD10001.01 BQC3072kb
JACSMA5152.8TDI170hp / 600nm2023Motorola/Cummins CM2220C081404 FC95081 KC10013.07 BJX3072kb
JACT82.0TDI137hp / 320nm2023Delphi DCM6.21026400FD020 1MJACLSA_A010D11 LJ11PABD1PC0885184096kb
JACN1203.8TDI166hp 2022Motorola/Cummins CM2220C05D038 102919002835 KC10013.07 BJX3072kb
JACN2006.7TDI286hp / 1020nm2022Motorola/Cummins CM2880A090120043423 E05D067 IS10002.14 BIJ4096kb
JACN753.8TDI156hp / 500nm2022Motorola/Cummins CM2350A06D045 FP94383 GP80003.06 BGK4096kb
JACN753.8TDI157hp 2022Motorola/Cummins CM2350A081404081404 FP94145 IF80006.06 BHV4096kb
JACT62.0TDI150hp 2022DelphiVLE90FLBC048 1026400FD020 01MJACBMG_A010D114096kb
JACX2002.3eXdi150hp 2022Delphi DCM6.21026400FD020 1MJACLSA_A010D11 A03000174096kb
JACDR42.0TDI136hp 2021Bosch MD1CS0891026919FB060A00V0 S13886 0555378192kb
JACLander11.6TDI- 2021Bosch EDC17CV4451246019 608108P_949_V791 549567 WP122048kb
JACN721ISF3.8156hp / 500nm2021Motorola/Cummins CM2350A06D038C17T154 S24VD6012 IF80006.06 BHV4096kb
JACN721C2.8TDI150hp 2021Bosch EDC17C8110375459841466V210 P723V40A 0603682560kb
JACT62.0TDI129hp / 285nm2021Delphi DCM6.228589551 8608897201 1MJACAPP_A700D72_FD0264096kb
JACT62.0TDI136hp 2021Delphi DCM6.2AP1026400FD020 1MJACAPP_A700D72 FD050XA4128kb
JACN553.8TDI156hp 2020Motorola/Cummins CM2350A5317107 FP94383 GP80003.05 BJK4128kb
JACN562.8TDI129hp 2020Bosch EDC17C81STC00006542290V300 P1409V260 0783992560kb
JACSunRay2.8TDI150hp 2020Bosch EDC17C8110375459841466V210 P723V40A 0689472560kb
JACT62.0TDI136hp 2020Delphi DCM6.21026400FD020 1MJACLSA A010D114096kb
JACUrban2.8TDI116hp / 250nm2020Bosch EDC17C81HFC4DE1-1D 10375459841466V210 0603682560kb
JAC755.7TDI217hp 2019Bosch EDC17CV44P1072742 J2035-3823352C-75 5307102048kb
JACN562.8TDI116hp / 250nm2019Bosch EDC17C8110375459841466V210 P723V40A 0464732560kb
JACN753.8TDI- 2019Motorola/Cummins CM2350A120712 FP94145 IF80006.06 BHV3502kb
JAC753.8TDI156hp 2018Motorola/Cummins CM2220C072915233802 CO33CW EA900023072kb
JACN753.8TDI156hp / 500nm2018Motorola/Cummins CM2350AC001000S24VD6012 FP94145 IF80006.06 BHV4096kb
JACSunRay2.8TDI150hp 2018Motorola/Cummins CM2220C072915233802 CE8RC98RC DZ900053072kb
JACSunRay2.8TDI116hp 2017Bosch EDC17C531037511020924500A P924V30A 5578422048kb
JACSunray2.8TDI150hp / 320nm2017Bosch EDC17C8110375459841 466V210 0272312560kb
JACGFSK-Glory2.0TDI- 2015Bosch EDC17C531037513415 P924611 5134152048kb
JACN753.8TDI170hp / 600nm-Motorola/Cummins CM2350A5317106 FP94145 IF80006 ISF34128kb
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