ECU software developers Stage-1-2 DPF SCR off
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Tuning files database GAZ Stage-1-2-Eco DPF EGR SCR Adblue off

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We have 34 unique projects for GAZ. Each one include all kinds of GAZ custom tuning solutions Stage-1-2-Eco and custom switch solutons for DPF / EGR / SCR off.
Our Stage-1 tuning files - is usual gain for full-powered stock software. And if GAZ make a several kinds with lower stock output - offer same gains as Stage-1 and more as Stage-2 or 3. Power adjustment made with our special software that draw a dyno plot before and after modification to get a higher accuracy and evident changes.
Any disabling DPF / EGR / SCR made with using of our unique software that separate required DTC from any ramdom sequence and leave all other to work as in stock.
If you have a special requirements for any file, we can develop your custom solution or review and update another one that has a mistakes.

Tuning files for GAZ (34) with Catalyst DPF EGR SCR disabling

GAZGazelle2.0TDI136hp / 300nm2022Bosch MD1CS018013456789 P1951_V330_01_00 0802165888kb
GAZGazelle2.4TDI150hp 2022Bosch MD1CS089STC0000304 P2028_TC4 068393 G21A8192kb
GAZGazon4.4TDI- 2021MD229893001-01 19022020 53423-67_49-05G832kb
GAZVolgaBusACM-8.4TDI298hp 2020Bosch DCUV110201204210 1205352 101201YCDCU_SW_V2512kb
GAZGazelle2.8TDI150hp / 330nm2019Motorola/Cummins CM2220C181900862-B CE8RC98RC HG80003 939663072kb
GAZGazelle2.8TDI150hp / 330nm2019Motorola/Cummins CM2220CCE8RC98RC HG80003 HA333B 939663072kb
GAZGazelle2.8TDI150hp / 330nm2019Motorola/Cummins CM2220CCE8RC98RC FP93966 HG800033072kb
GAZGazelleISF-2.8TDI150hp / 330nm2019Cummins CM2220C27527-53 CE8RC98RC JA10013 BIS3072kb
GAZGazon4.4CNG150hp / 510nm2019WestPort WP580GAZ_730 WP580_YMZ01_BH_00 BHAN40_110 2.a2688kb
GAZSobol2.8TDI120hp / 280nm2019Motorola/Cummins CM2220CGAZ-27527 CE8RC98RC HA333B 939673072kb
GAZVolgaBus8.4TDI298hp 2019Bosch EDC7UC311037377875 0281020076 3843192048kb
GAZ33094.8TDI122hp 2018Bosch EDC17CV44P1076V200 0281B1016L 530473 D2452048kb
GAZGazelle2.8TDI150hp / 330nm2018Motorola/Cummins CM2220FP93966 HG800033072kb
GAZGazon2.8TDI- 2018Motorola/CumminsBHBLFA8 CE8RC98RC BS900253072kb
GAZGazon4.4TDI150hp / 490nm2018Bosch EDC17CV44P1639V300 YMZ-53445-20_S3 5576612048kb
GAZGazon4.4CNG150hp / 510nm2018WestPort WP580TLE6232 WP580_YMZ01_BC_01 VBC0Gaz110.1.52688kb
GAZGazon4.4CNG170hp / 580nm2018Westport WP580TC1782 TLE7209 WP580_YMZ01_BC_01 110.1.02688kb
GAZ350714.4TDI150hp / 490nm2017Bosch EDC17CV44YMZ-53443-10 P1639V120 5579982048kb
GAZGazelle2.8TDI150hp / 330nm2017Motorola/Cummins CM2220ABS90065 CE8RC98RC 932843072kb
GAZGazelle2.8TDI170hp / 330nm2017Motorola/Cummins CM2220BS90065 NEXT_GEAR_330HM FP932843072kb
GAZSobol2.7107hp / 220nm2017Mikas 12.39815.3763004–12 UE2314_121088kb
GAZSobol2.9107hp / 221nm2017Mikas 12.3M124152GJ294C69128kb
GAZGazon4.4CNG150hp / 510nm2016WestPort WP5801622-05-60065 TC1782 1507211216kb
GAZGazelle2.4TDI- 2015Siemens/Continental VDO-ECSMST4050P02 761-LPLVCA256kb
GAZGazelle2.9100hp / 220nm2015Mikas 12UMZ-421647 3763004-12A275 UE2310_091088kb
GAZGazon4.4TDI- 2015Bosch EDC17CV54YMZ-53443-20 P1639120 5579982048kb
GAZGazelleISF-2.8TDI150hp / 280nm2014Motorola/Cummins CM2220AH9J-H8 CE8RC98RC BSBSG5D 909383072kb
GAZGazelle2.8TDI150hp / 280nm2014Motorola/Cummins CM2220FP90938 NEXT-A21R22 BS90010_CL3072kb
GAZGazon4.4TDI147hp 2012Bosch EDC7U3761382048kb
GAZVolga-Chrysler2.4- 2011Mikas 11MIKAS11CR 581-3763000576kb
GAZGazelle-NextISF2.8 TDI150hp / 280nm2010Motorola/Cummins CM2220ABS90010 CE8RC98RC H9J-H8 909383072kb
GAZVolgovoz3.0TDi- 2010Bosch5088222048kb
GAZValday3.8TDI152hp / 490nm2008Motorola/Cummins CM2220AGAZ-33106 CE8RC98RC EL80015.09 BDX3072kb
GAZValday3.8TDI152hp / 490nm2008Motorola/Cummins CM2220AGAZ-33106 339493W4W3 EL80015.05 BDX4096kb
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