ECU software developers Stage-1-2 DPF SCR off
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Tuning files database Dongfeng Stage-1-2-Eco DPF EGR SCR Adblue off

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We have 29 unique projects for Dongfeng. Each one include all kinds of Dongfeng custom tuning solutions Stage-1-2-Eco and custom switch solutons for DPF / EGR / SCR off.
Our Stage-1 tuning files - is usual gain for full-powered stock software. And if Dongfeng make a several kinds with lower stock output - offer same gains as Stage-1 and more as Stage-2 or 3. Power adjustment made with our special software that draw a dyno plot before and after modification to get a higher accuracy and evident changes.
Any disabling DPF / EGR / SCR made with using of our unique software that separate required DTC from any ramdom sequence and leave all other to work as in stock.
If you have a special requirements for any file, we can develop your custom solution or review and update another one that has a mistakes.

Tuning files for Dongfeng (29) with Catalyst DPF EGR SCR disabling

DongfengCaptain3.0TDI140hp 2024Bosch EDC17C63P723V40A STC00030321257DFV6 5601681536kb
DongfengCaptain2.3TDI170hp 2024Delphi DCM7.11ADFGBMG_A010D11 UU1ADFGAPP A640D114096kb
DongfengDFAC2.0TDI- 2024Bosch EDC17C81DJXV79 STC00048902290V701 0783992560kb
Dongfeng2236X84.0TDI163hp 2023Delphi DCM7.1UU1ADFGAPP_A640D11 A08_CC_220906 XK2653610910 D2TY204096kb
DongfengDFL13.0TDI520hp / 2460nm2023Motorola/Cummins CM2150EHA43-930-A12J FC0RA047B IU10090.033072kb
DongfengDFL13.0TDI520hp / 2460nm2023Motorola/Cummins CM2150E20230407 HA43-930-A12J IU10090.023072kb
DongfengGX13.5TDI520hp / 2460nm2023Motorola/Cummins CM2150E20230808 HA46-930-A0CJ IU10107.00 BIL3072kb
DongfengC1203.0TDI140hp 2022Bosch EDC17C55P1257_DF_V6 STC00030321257DFV6 5601682048kb
DongfengDafranACM-12.2TDI480hp 2022DCUEC36563AR017 ECS-213-266 MC9S12XP1001024kb
DongfengDafrun12.2TDI480hp 2022Bosch EDC17CV441037556137 P1382761 5603822048kb
DongfengDFL13.5TDI520hp 2022Motorola/Cummins CM2670EBKE HA40-930-A0CJ KJ101158192kb
DongfengKC8.9TDI371hp 2022Motorola/Cummins CM2150EK52R-931-062J FP930327B CK90032.AA DFL3072kb
DongfengRich62.3TDI180hp 2022Delphi DCM7.1AP1ADFGAPP A610D21 UU1ADFGAPP4096kb
DongfengCnC-U48012.2TDI480hp / 2200nm2021Bosch EDC17CV44103755613 P1382771 5603822048kb
DongfengDFH-425010.8TDI465hp 2021TRW EMS2.33610811-E9303 003610010-E9300 11E465-60 DDi11E4654128kb
DongfengDFL13.5TDI520hp 2021Motorola/Cummins CM2670EAT001053 HA40-931-A12J KJ10115.01 BKE8192kb
DongfengGurkha2.6TDI90hp 2021Delphi DCM7.1AP48585Z59 UU1AFOMAPP A910D11 OMN6164096kb
DongfengGX13.5TDI520hp 2021Motorola/Cummins CM2670E20230106 DJXV79 KJ101158192kb
DongfengGX13.5TDI520hp / 2500nm2021Motorola/Cummins CM2670E06D140 L16509WHK KJ10115.ZA8192kb
DongfengPWN-P2.0TDI160hp / 400nm2021Delphi DCM7.11AGWMAPP_A710D11 IFX_TC29X P3011_8AT_ED99_E5_CC_200905 D2TY204096kb
DongfengRich62.3TDI163hp 2021Delphi DCM7.1023B525 UU1ADFGAPP A630D31_AT_202112304096kb
DongfengDF62.3TDI163hp 2020Delphi DCM7,11ADFGBMG_A010D11 B009C109B XK2653610910-FD23002204096kb
DongfengDFL13.5TDI520hp / 2500nm2020Motorola/Cummins CM2670EH18A-001-A40J NS6D140 CAL0389.AB BKE8192kb
DongfengGX13.5TDI600hp / 2750nm2019Motorola/Cummins CM2670EAT001053 FC0RB09 KJ10070 BKE5570kb
DongfengAmico10.5TDI400hp / 1920nm2018Bosch EDC17CV441037549567P949V791 P949V791 549567 WP122048kb
DongfengChengLong-H712.2TDI480hp 2018Bosch EDC17CV441037556137 P1382761 5603822048kb
DongfengC8004.5TDI180hp 2015Motorola/Cummins CM2880KX1T-802-020J HV2MHR FX800122663kb
DongfengHiger6.7TDI250hp / 950nm2015Motorola/Cummins CM2150FP91228 DUD808 CJ900103072kb
DongfengLZ8.7TDI375hp 2011Motorola/Cummins CM2150CJ90157 DUD808 FP929483072kb
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