ECU software developers Stage-1-2 DPF SCR off
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Tuning files database Seat Stage-1-2-Eco DPF EGR SCR Adblue off

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We have 17 unique projects for Seat. Each one include all kinds of Seat custom tuning solutions Stage-1-2-Eco and custom switch solutons for DPF / EGR / SCR off.
Our Stage-1 tuning files - is usual gain for full-powered stock software. And if Seat make a several kinds with lower stock output - offer same gains as Stage-1 and more as Stage-2 or 3. Power adjustment made with our special software that draw a dyno plot before and after modification to get a higher accuracy and evident changes.
Any disabling DPF / EGR / SCR made with using of our unique software that separate required DTC from any ramdom sequence and leave all other to work as in stock.
If you have a special requirements for any file, we can develop your custom solution or review and update another one that has a mistakes.

Tuning files for Seat (17) with Catalyst DPF EGR SCR disabling

SeatLeon1.6TDI108hp / 250nm2020Delphi DCM6.204L906056TJ 04L906056TJ 698869880 69884096kb
SeatIbiza1.4TDI75hp 2018Delphi DCM6.204L906056LJ GAJ0NAMDZS09 X749 59304096kb
SeatLeon1.4TSI150hp / 250nm2017Bosch MED17.5.2504E906027HF 04E907309BJ 011231 75254096kb
SeatLeon1.4 TSI122hp 2014Bosch MED17.5.2104E906016J 5332814096kb
SeatAlhambra2.0TDI140hp 2012Bosch EDC17_C4603L906018M 5136692048kb
SeatLeon1.6TDI105hp 2012Siemens03L906023LJ SM2F0L9502048kb
SeatLeon1.4Tsi125hp / 200nm2012Bosch03C906016FL 528890 46302176kb
SeatLeon1.8TFSI160hp 2012Bosch1P0907115Q 0261S07669 5258751504kb
SeatIbiza1.270hp 2009Siemens03E906023AA S912018400000512kb
SeatIbiza1.4TDI80hp / 126nm2009Bosch EDC17U01045906013E 045906013T 3909941504kb
SeatAlhambra2.0TDI140hp 2008Bosch EDC16U3103G906016JP 3870812048kb
SeatToledo1.6102hp 2008Siemens06A906033HE 5WP4037 S71027512kb
SeatAlhambra2.0TDI140hp 2007Bosch03G906016JP 3818222048kb
SeatCordoba1.460hp 2003Bosch6K0906032J 0261206959 354751512kb
SeatCordoba1.475hp 2003Marelli036906034HA512kb
SeatToledo1.6- 2001Marelli IAW4LV036906034BD 11998866 3D3967IHS512kb
SeatAlhmbra1.9TDI115hp / 285nm2000Bosch028906021JJ 0281001967 0200256kb
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